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‘Dominio’ gets second place at the festival D’olhar – Festival Itinerante de Dança e Víd

D’Olhar curatorial committee, which was also the jury of the D’Olhar festival, was formed by Lívia Batista Sá, director of the event, and the curators invited by Márcio Pizarro Noronha (commission chair) and Michael Valim, filmmaker. A total of 103 films were recorded for the D’Olhar competitive show: 26 Goiás, 32 Brazilians from outside the state of Goiás and 45 foreigners. In this set of recorded works, 10% were in the category of dance documentaries and 90% in the videodance category. Among the 43 productions selected, 6 titles are from Goiás, 10 from other states in Brazil, and 30 from other countries.

‘Dominio’ was awarded a second place following the Canadian film ‘Abyss’ by Catherine Gaudet who came in first.

more info here.

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