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“Close Quarters” wins the “REDIV Special Mention” Award at FICCE 2020 in Argentina.

Patricio’s “Close Quarters” produced by Cachalote was part of the official selection of the FICCE Festival 2020 in Argentina, specifically in the “Entorno (Surroundings)” category. The films where divided in 4 categories exhibited via a streaming platform OCTUBRETV.

The jury from de Iberoamerican VideoDance Network (REDIV) gave this special mention to “Próximos”.

The jury commented: “The Chilean film, is awarded the REDIV special mention due to the strengh of the presented work, exhibits narrative maturity and beautiful photography. Each element has been worked with choreographic detail and with the sound design it delivers a high quality work. Strong bodies that are one and at the same time an other, repelling, connecting, finding each other. To give this award under the FICCE context is an integral and innovative challenge, as the film under this context and the current world situation, deliver current and fundamental themes to make a statement from the arts the creative expression and the potential of a narrative as Próximos do.”

You watch the award video here (In Spanish) ↓

FICCE – Expanded Corporeality Project fosters the production of one’s own messages with an understanding of CULTURE as a construction of meaning, BODY and corporeality as territories that are inhabited by the relationships of stillness, movement, edges and margins, and the CAMERA in audiovisual production as a medium for hybrid languages: video-dance, and liminal and performance arts.

You can follow the festival through their webpage and social media.

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